Our Story & Raising Puppies

Hello! We are the Morgans and my name is Jenise (like Denise but with a J) We’re a blended family with three adult children and five kids ages eleven and under. We were introduced to Doodles 2 years ago. Chewie was our first doodle and she is one of the the best dogs we have ever owned and quickly fell in love with the breed.

We live on 40 acres in east Colorado Springs where our dogs get to enjoy the country life at its finest. We currently have pigs, chickens, goats. We plan to add lots more farm animals in the near future but the ones we currently have our dogs do wonderful with. They love their piggy friends. Our kids have a big hand in everything we do when it comes to our furry family. Be it training, feeding, walking, or rotating puppies to make sure all pups are getting fed equally by their mama-they’re right there in the thick of it all with huge smiles on their faces. And by introducing the pups to tons of loud noise (hello five kids), stimulating them by touch and being around other dogs, it makes them very adaptable to whatever environment they encounter with great temperaments.

We started this journey because we believe everyone should have the opportunity to own a dog if they choose to (allergies or not). Our goal is to offer healthy pets that fit whatever life style you live. Whether you’re looking for a family dog, a service dog, or even an apartment dog, whatever your looking for our dogs will fit the bill!